April 25 - The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has made a number of appointments to its Council and Offshore Technical Committees.

At the ABS 151st annual meeting of members, the following individuals were appointed to the ABS Council: Tony Nassif, ABS executive vice president and coo; Robert G Clyne, ABS vice president, general counsel and chief compliance officer; James G Gaughan, ABS vice president and chief engineer; and Maria F O'Neill, ABS vice president and chief information officer.
The ABS Council elected two individual to serve three-year terms on the ABS Offshore Technical Committee: Chow Yew Yuen of Keppel Offshore & Marine USA; and Dr Jen-Hwa Chen of Chevron Shipping Co.
The ABS Council also elected a number of industry experts to serve five-year terms as ABS members, contributing to the ongoing development of the classification society.