HLPFI reviews the shortlisted entries for the 2024 Safety and Training award, sponsored by Hareket.
This award will be presented to a company that has a comprehensive or innovative approach to safety and training either through day-to-day operations, by providing dedicated programmes and continuous professional development, or launching a specific initiative designed to improve the training or safety in a particular area of operation.
Our 2024 shortlist includes:
CJ ICM’s entry focused on the safety and training considerations for its work on a major project in Iraq, where South Refineries Company is constructing a new plant to enhance the processing capacity of Basrah Refinery. In preparation for the huge project, CJ ICM introduced a comprehensive training programme for all personnel, which included making everyone aware of site safety protocols and potential hazards, educating on working at height, and delivering defensive driving training, among many other factors.
DHL Industrial Projects
DHL Industrial Projects’ entry focused on how safety and training guide all its operations, with investments in personnel equipping them to meet current and future challenges. Rigorous training programmes, proactive safety initiatives and the integration of cutting-edge technology aim to empower the workforce. Upholding the highest industry standards, DHL Industrial Projects fosters continuous improvement and risk mitigation. An impressive five-year track record without a lost time injury underscores the company’s unwavering commitment to safety.
Logistec Stevedoring
Logistec Stevedoring’s submission for the 2024 HLPFI Safety and Training Award highlights a comprehensive, innovative and dedicated programme, combining expert-led sessions with technology, offering in-person and online training in three languages. In 2023, over 13,900 courses were completed. Its safety record includes a total recordable incident rate (TRIR) of 1.80 and a lost time incident rate (LTIR) of 0.73, outperforming industry averages. Initiatives like its virtual reality training and Safety Week emphasise hazard recognition and safety culture, and are all part of its ongoing “Journey to Zero” focus on eliminating workplace injuries.
One of the five core values of Sarens is ‘Dedication to Safety’. For Sarens, this means ensuring that harm is not inflicted upon its employees, contractors, service providers, the environment, Sarens’ assets, or members of the public affected by its operations, infrastructure and all operational activities within the scope of heavy lifting, special transport, assembly, disassembly and maintenance. As part of its dedication to safety, Sarens launched its #BESAFE campaign, which aims to elevate SHEQ standards globally through innovative initiatives.
The winner of this year’s Safety and Training award will be announced at the Heavy Lift Awards 2024 ceremony on October 23 at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London. To join the celebrations, book your place today.