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- $0 - $10m
- $100m - $500m
- $10bn+
- $10m - $100m
- $1bn - $10bn
- $500m - $1bn
- 1PointFive
- 2020 Renewables
- 88 Energy
- A.P. Møller Capital
- A7 Energy
- Abdul Latif Jameel Energy and Environment Services
- Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce
- Aberdeen City Council
- ABO Energy
- ABO Wind
- Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)
- Acciona
- Acciona Energía
- Ace Gas and FLNG
- ACL Energy
- Aclara
- ACME Group
- Acorn
- Actemium
- ACWA Power
- Adani Energy Solutions
- Adani Green Energy
- Adani Group
- Adani Power
- Adelaide Showgrounds
- ADNOC Drilling Compnay
- Adris Grupa
- Advario
- ADX Energy
- Aeolian Holderness
- AES Andes
- AES Corporation
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- Africa
- Africa Geothermal International No. 1 Limited (AGIL No. 1)
- Africa50
- AGL Energy
- Air Liquide
- Air Products
- Airfreight
- Airvolution Energy
- Ajlan Brothers
- Aker BP
- Aker Carbon Capture
- Aker Energy
- Aker Horizons
- Aker Offshore wind
- Aker Solutions
- Ålandsbanken Fondbolag
- Ålandsbanken fondbolag
- Albania
- Albemarle Lithium
- Albgaz
- Alcazar Energy Partners
- Alcemi
- Alcoa of Australia
- Alfen
- Algeria
- Alinta Energy
- Aljomaih Energy and Water Company (AEW)
- Allianz
- Allkem
- Almoayyed Contracting Group
- Almonty Industries
- Alpha Dhabi
- AlphaReal
- Alpiq
- Altera Infrastructure
- Alterric
- Aluar
- Aluminium Bahrain (Alba)
- AM Green Ammonia
- Amber Grid
- AMEA Power
- Amegni Renewables
- American Battery Technology Company (ABTC)
- American Petroleum Institute (API)
- AMI AC Renewables
- Amplus Energy Services
- Amprion
- Ampyr Solar Europe
- Amtrak
- AnaeCo
- Anchorage Investments
- Andes Energy Development Company
- Anesco
- Angel CCS
- Anglo Renewables
- AngloGold Ashanti
- Angola
- Anhui Jinzhai Pumped Storage Power
- Announced
- Anono Lithium
- Anori
- Antofagasta
- ANZ Energy Infrastructure Trust
- APA Group
- Apex Clean Energy
- Apex Minerals
- Apollo
- Appointments
- Approved
- Aquatera
- Aquatera
- ArcelorMittal
- Archer
- Argentina
- Argentina Ministry of Energy
- Argeo
- Ark Energy
- Armenia
- Arnish Electric Ltd
- Arrow Energy
- Ascension Clean Energy (ACE)
- Asia
- Asia
- Asia Petroleum Energy Corporation (Asiapetro)
- Assmang Proprietary Limited
- Associated British Ports (ABP_
- ATCO Electric
- ATCO Energy Systems
- ATCO Power
- Atlanta Gas Light
- Atlantic Lithium
- Atlantic LNG
- Atlantic Ltd
- Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind
- Atlas Group
- Atlas Renewable Energy
- ATOME Energy
- Atrato Onsite Energy
- Augstsprieguma Tīkls
- Aukera
- Auquhirie Land Company
- Aura Power
- Aura Power
- Aura Power
- Aurora Energy
- Ausenco Chile
- Australasia
- Australasia
- Australia
- Australian Government
- Australian Pacific Coal
- Australian Paper
- Australian Pipeline Trust
- Austria
- AustriaEnergy
- Avalon Advanced Materials
- Avangrid
- AvenHexicon
- Avingrid Renewables
- Aviva
- AWE Renewables
- Awel Aman Tawe Community Energy
- Ayana Renewable Power
- Ayre Energy
- Azerbaijan
- Azerbaijan Investment Company (AIC)
- Azerenerji
- Azule Energy
- Azure Sustainable Fuels
- B9 Energy
- BACS consortium
- BadaEnergy
- Badeel
- Bahrain
- Baillie Windfarm
- Baker Hughes
- Bakhatar Petrochemical
- Balfour Beatty
- Ballarat Base Hospital
- Baltic Power
- Bangladesh
- Bangladesh Power Development Board
- Bankhead Renewable Energy
- Banks Renewables
- Bankstown Sports Club
- Bapco Upstream
- Barrick Gold
- Basra Oil Company
- Battery storage
- Bay Temiz Enerji Elektrik Uretim Insaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi
- Bayou Bend CCS
- BayWa
- Baywind Co-op & Energy
- Beach Energy
- Beacon Energy
- Beacon Offshore Energy
- Bechtel
- Belgium
- Ben Aketil Wind Energy
- Benin
- Bernard Matthews Green Energy
- Bessy Bell Windfarm
- Betws
- Beuhal International
- Bilfinger
- Binh Son Refining
- Biogreen Energy
- Biyaq Oilfield Services
- BJCE Australia
- Black Forest Partners
- Black Rock Mining
- BlackRock
- Blackrock Real Assets
- Blantyre Muir Wind Energy
- Block Energy
- Blue Energy
- Blue Gem Wind
- BlueFloat Energy
- Blueleaf Energy
- BlueNord
- BNP Paribas
- Boco Rock Wind Farm
- BOE II Exploration
- Bolivia
- Boom Power
- Boralex
- Border Wind
- Border Winds
- Botswana
- Boultbee Brooks
- Boyndie Wind Farm
- bp
- bp ventures
- Branna Industrial & Technical Services
- Brazil
- Brazilian National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL)
- Brett Martin
- BrightNights
- Bristol City Council
- Bristol Port Company
- British Solar Renewables (BSR Energy)
- British Solar Renewables (BSR)
- Broadview Energy
- Brock Family
- Brockholes Farm
- Brockwell Energy
- Brookfield Renewable
- Brownfield
- Brownieleys Renewables
- Bruce County
- Brunei Darussalam
- Brunei Shell Petroleum
- BSI Wind
- Bulgaria
- Bureau of Ocean Management (BOEM)
- Buru Energy
- Business
- BW Energy
- BW Offshore
- Byrnecut
- Cadent Gas
- Caledonia OW
- CalEnergy
- California Independent System Operator (ISO)
- Callis
- Cambodia
- Cambridge JMD Australia
- Cameroon
- Campion Wind
- Canada
- Canada Nickel Company
- Canadian Natural Resources
- Canadian Solar
- Cancelled
- Cannock Renewables
- CapeOmega
- Capital Dynamics
- Capital Energy
- CapPro Contracts
- Capral
- Carbonvert
- Carlton Power
- Carsington Wind Energy
- Carter Holt Harvey Woodproducts
- Casa dos Ventos
- Casa dos Ventos
- Catamount Energy
- Catapult
- Cathay Life Insurance
- CBK Galbraith
- Celsius Resources
- Celtpower
- Cenovus Energy
- Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC)
- Central Energy Power
- Centrica
- Cepsa
- Cero
- Cerulean Winds
- Cetis
- ČEZ Group
- CGN Energy Europe
- CGN Europe Energy
- CGX Energy
- CH. Karnchang
- Chariot
- Cheiron Energy
- Chelveston Renewable Energy
- Cheniere Energy
- Chennai Petroleum Corporation (CPCL)
- Chevron
- Chickahominy Power
- Chile
- Chiltern Green Energy
- China
- China Electricity Investment Nuclear Power Company
- China Energy Engineering Group Consortium
- China Energy Investment
- China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN)
- China Huadian Company
- China Huaneng Group
- China Huanqiu Contracting & Engineering Corporation (HQC)
- China National Chemical Engineering (CNCEC)
- China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC)
- China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC)
- China National Petroleum Corp
- China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec)
- China Three Gorges Corporation
- China Yangtze Power Company
- CHN Energy
- Chow Tai Fook Enterprises
- Chubu Electric Power
- Chugoku Electric Power
- Ciel & Terre Taiwan
- Citic Pacific Mining
- Civil
- Clean Hydrogen Words
- CleanCo
- CleanEarth Energy
- Clenergy
- CME Solar
- CNNC Xinhua Hydropower Company
- CNR International (CNRI)
- CO2 Capsol
- Coal
- Coal Clough Wind Farm
- Coal India
- Cobra Group
- Cobra IS
- Codelco
- COFCO International
- Cogent Energy
- Colbún
- Colham Energy
- Collier Quarrying Group
- Colombia
- Comet Ridge
- Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE)
- Commonwealth LNG
- Community Owned Project
- Community Windpower
- Competitive Power Ventures (CPV)
- Con Edison Transmission
- Conexus Baltic Grid
- Confidence EP
- Congo
- Conjuncta
- ConocoPhillips
- Conrad Energy
- Constantine Wind Energy
- Contango ORE
- Contract Power Group
- Controlled Thermal Resources (CTR)
- Co-op Energy
- Copenhagen Energy
- Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP)
- Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP)
- Copenhagen Offshore Partners (COP)
- Corab
- Coral FLNG
- Corio Generation
- Cornwall Council
- Coro Energy
- Corrimony Energy
- Costain
- Cote D'Ivoire
- Countries
- Country Energy
- Covid-19
- CPB Contractors
- CPC Corporation
- Craig Wind Farm
- Cranes
- CRE Energy
- Crédit Agricole CIB
- Crimp Power
- Croatia
- Croatia LNG
- Croda Chemicals
- Crown Estate Scotland
- CS Energy
- Cuba
- Cumbria Wind
- CustomerFirst Renewables
- Custos Energy
- Cynllun Trydan Gwynt
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Danish Energy Agency
- Danoil
- Danske Bank
- Dautkandi
- Decommissioning
- Deep Wind Offshore
- DeepOcean
- Defic Globe
- DeLa Express
- Delta Electricity
- Democratic People's Republic of Korea
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Denison Mines
- Denker & Wulf
- Denmark
- Department of Environmental Protection - NYC
- Department of State Growth
- Depomures
- Deutsche ReGas
- Devon Wind Power
- Dewlay Cheese Company
- DF Renewables
- Dialog Resources
- Diamond Energy
- DIF Capital Partners
- DIN Forsyning
- Djibouti
- DOF Group
- Dominion Energy
- Doral Energy
- Doreen Power Company
- Dow
- Downing
- Downstream
- Downstream
- Downstream
- Drax Group
- DTEK Group
- Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA)
- Dubai Petroleum Establishment (DPE)
- Dubai Supply Authority (DUSUP)
- Dunkerque LNG
- Dutch Bangla
- DW Consultancy
- E energija
- E.on
- E.ON Energy
- E3 Lithium
- Earthpower
- East Coast Viners
- Eastland Generation Limited (EGL)
- Eco Material
- Eco Wave Power Global
- Eco2
- Ecogen Energy
- Econergy
- Ecopetrol
- Ecotricity
- Ecuador
- Eden Renewables
- Eden Renewables
- EDF Energy
- EDF Renewables
- Edify Energy
- Edison Group
- EDL Energy
- EDP Renewables
- Egypt
- Egypt Green Hydrogen
- Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC)
- Egyptian Gas Holding Company (EGAS)
- Egyptian LNG
- Egyptian National Authority for Tunnels
- Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company
- Eidsiva Vekst
- Elanora Offshore
- Elecnor
- Electra-Massa
- Electric Power Development Company (J-Power)
- Electricity and Water Authority of Bahrain (EWA)
- Electricity Generation Corporation 3
- Elektricheska Kompania EAD (NEK)
- Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG)
- Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica 1
- Elengy
- Elera Renewables
- Elering
- Elgin Energy
- Elgin Energy
- Emeren Group
- Emirates Water and Electricity Company (EWEC)
- Empire Energy
- Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM)
- En+
- EnaEx
- Enagás
- Enbridge
- EnBW
- Encavis
- ENCRO d.o.o
- Endesa
- End-of-year review
- Eneco
- Enefit Green
- Enel Green power
- Eneos
- Enercon
- Energean
- Energeia
- Energia
- Energia Group
- Energiasalv
- Energie
- Energiekontor UK
- Energiequelle
- Energinet
- Energy Brix Australia
- Energy China International Construction Group
- Energy Developments
- Energy Exploration Technologies (EnergyX)
- Energy Infrastructure Investments
- Energy Market Authority (EMA)
- Energy Pacific (Victoria)
- Energy Resources (EnRes)
- Energy Response
- EnergyPathways
- Energyprima
- energyRe
- ENEX Energy
- Engie
- Engie
- Engie Brasil
- Engine No. 1
- Eni
- Enlight Renewable Energy
- Enova Power
- EnQuest
- Enso
- Enterprise Products Partners
- Enterprize Energy
- Entreprise Nationale de Géophysique (Enageo)
- Entropy
- EnviroGen
- Enviromena
- Eolenberg Project SRL
- Eolien Maritime France (EMF)
- Eolus Vind
- EPC project logistics
- Equatorial Guinea
- Equinor
- Equipment
- Equitix
- Equitrans Midstream
- Eraring Energy
- EREN Group
- Ergon Energy
- ERM Dolphyn
- Erne Concrete Pumping
- Eskom
- Eskom
- Essential Energy
- Esso
- Estonia
- Ethiopia
- Eti Bakir
- ETZ Limited
- Euglena
- Eurasian Resources Group (ERG)
- Europe
- Europe
- European Energy
- European Investment Bank (EIB)
- Eurus Energy
- Eurus Energy Holdings Corporation
- Eversource
- Everwind Fuels
- Evion
- e-wikom
- Excelerate Energy
- Expansion
- ExxonMobil
- Falck Renewables
- Falcon Oil & Gas
- Falkirk Tod Hill Wind
- Farm Energy
- Farm Energy Partnership
- Federal government of the United Arab Emirates
- Fenland Windfarms
- Fenpower
- Ferrovial
- Finance
- Finland
- Finsilva
- Fintel Energija
- First Gen
- First Quantum Minerals
- First Solar
- First State Hydrogen
- Fivestone
- Flimby Wind Energy
- Floating Energy Allyance
- Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
- Flotation Energy
- Floventis Energy
- Fluor
- Fluxys
- FMC Corp
- Force 9 Energy
- Forces Motrices Valaisannes
- Forecasts
- Foresight
- Forestalia
- Fortescue
- Fortescue Metals Group
- Forthwind
- Fortis Energy
- Fortum
- Fosmax LNG
- Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV)
- France
- Frank A Smart & Son
- Fred Olsen Renewables
- Freja Offshore
- French Ministry of Industry and Energy
- Freya Renewables
- FRI-EL Green Power
- Friesen Elektra
- From the magazine
- Frontera Energy
- Frontier Power
- FRV Australia
- Fueltrade
- Fugro
- Fujairah Natural Resources Corporation (FNRC)
- Future Spectrum
- FuturEnergy Ireland
- Fyne Futures
- Gaarz IV Windkraft
- Gabon
- Gaelectric Developments
- Gaia Energy
- Galileo
- Galleon Gold
- Galp
- Galson Estate Trust
- Gangfeng Lithium
- Garth Wind
- Gas
- Gas
- Gasgrid Finland
- Gasgrid Finland
- Gasgrid Finland
- Gastrade
- Gasunie
- Gate Terminal
- GazelEnergie
- Gazelle Energy Limited
- Gazifere
- Gazprom
- Gaz-System
- GE
- GE Vernova
- Gecelca
- Gemini OWF
- General Authority for Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZONE)
- Genesis Energy
- Gentari
- GeoPark
- GeoPura
- George Richards Farms Partnership
- Georgia
- Georgia Power
- German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA)
- German Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur)
- German LNG Terminal
- Germany
- Getech
- GFG Alliance
- Ghana
- Ghana National Petroleum Corp
- Ghazala
- Ghella
- Giampaolo Group
- GIGA Storage
- GL Group
- Glaxosmithkline (GSK)
- Glencore
- Glennmont Partners
- Global Green Asset Financing (GGAF)
- Global Infrastructure Partners
- Global Power Generation
- GNPC Explorco
- Golar LNG
- Golconda
- Gold Fields
- Golden Square Energy
- Goldwind Australia
- Good Energy
- Gorgon Joint Venture Participants
- Government Holdings (Private) Limited
- Government of Cyprus
- Government of Egypt
- Government of Iran
- Government of Iraq
- Government of New South Wales (NSW)
- Government of Oman
- Government of Pakistan
- Government of Poland
- Government of Romania
- Government of UK
- Government of Vietnam
- GPS Joint Venture
- GR Value
- Grain Belt Express
- Grain LNG
- Grand Isle LNG
- Graphite One
- Gravis Capital Management
- Great Energy Alliance Corporation (GEAC)
- Great Orton Wind Farms
- Greece
- Green Breeze Energy
- Green Cat Renewables
- Green Energy
- Green Genius
- Green Highland Renewables
- Green Investment Group
- Green Power
- Greenbacker Capital Management
- Greencoat
- Greenfield
- GreenGo
- GreenIT
- Greenko
- Greenland
- Greenlink Interconnector Limited (GIL)
- Greenpower International
- Greenside Wind Energy
- Greenspan Electric
- Greenvale AP
- Greenville LNG
- Greenvolt Power
- Grenergy
- Gresham House
- Grey Street Solar Limited
- Greymouth Gas Turangi
- Grid Corporation of Odisha (GRIDCO)
- Griffin Energy
- Group Energy Gas Panama
- Groupe GRTE
- Grüne Energien
- Grüne Energien Projekt UG
- Grupo Ibereólica Renovables
- Grupo Jepri
- GS Corporation
- GU Southline LLC
- Guangdong Energy
- Guinea
- Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd (GUVNL)
- Gulf Coast H2Hub
- Gulf Energy
- Gulf Petrochemical
- Gulfstream LNG
- Gunvor Energy Rotterdam
- Guyana
- H2 Energy Europe
- H2 Green Steel
- H2Carrier
- H2U
- Hafslund Oslo Celsio (Celsio)
- Hai Linh Company Limited
- Hainsford Energy
- Haisla Nation
- Haji Abdullah Alireza & Co (HAAISCO)
- Hallam Land Management
- Halmahera Sukses Mineral
- Hamlyns Oats
- Hammers Hill Energy
- Hanas Energy
- Hansa Hydrocarbons
- Hansainvest Real Assets
- Hanseatic Energy Hub
- Hanwha Corporation E&C Division
- Harbour Energy
- Hargreaves Services
- Harmony Energy Income Trust
- Harmony OB
- Hartshead Resources
- Hassan Allam Utilities
- Haventus
- Hazelwood Power
- Heavy haulage and trailers
- Helen
- Helix Robotics Solutions
- Hepburn Community Wind Park Co-operative
- HEQ Deepwater
- Herlogas
- Hess
- Hess Corporation
- Hessay Solar Limited
- HEXA Renewables
- Hexicon
- HH2E
- Hibiki Wind Energy
- Hibiscus Petroleum
- Hidroelectrica
- Highland Wind
- Highview Power
- Hilcorp
- Hitcachi Energy
- Hive Energy
- Holcim
- Holtec International
- Hong Kong
- Horisont Energi
- Horizon Nuclear Power
- Horizon Power
- HØST PtX Esbjerg
- Hrvatska elektroprivreda (HEP Group)
- HS Orka
- Huadian Jiangsu Energy
- Huajin Aramco Petrochemical Company (HAPCO)
- Huawei Digital Power
- Hungary
- Hunt Transmission Services
- Hy2gen
- Hydro
- Hydro Rein
- Hydro Tasmania
- Hydrogen
- HydrogenOne
- Hydroplan
- Hydro-Québec
- HydroWing Tidal Projects
- Hygen
- Hynamics
- HyNet North West
- Hyro
- I & H Brown
- IB Energy
- Iberblue Wind
- Iberdrola
- Ibereólica
- Iceland
- Ignitis Group
- Ignitis Renewables
- IHI Infrastructure Systems
- IIT Madras
- Ilmatar
- Impact Energy Asia Development (IEAD)
- ImWind Erneuerbare Energie
- In Amenas
- In Salah Gas
- Inch Cape Offshore
- India
- Indian Oil Corporation (IOC)
- Indian State of Arunachal Pradesh
- Indonesia
- Indorama
- Industrial
- Industrielle Werke Basel
- Industry Funds Management (IFM)
- Infinergy
- Infinis Energy
- Infinite Green Energy
- Infinity Power
- Infrabee
- Infrared Capital Partners
- Infrastructure Capital Group
- Infratil
- Ingka Investments
- Inikti
- Inner Mongolia Energy Group
- Inner Mongolia Huineng Coal Chemical
- Innergex
- Innogy
- Innova
- Inpex
- Insight
- Insurance
- Intaj
- Intel
- InterContinental Energy
- Intergen
- International Power
- International Resource Holdings
- Invenergy
- Investments
- Invictus
- Ionic Rare Earths
- IonicRare Earths
- IPM Australia
- Iran
- Iraq
- Iraqi Ministry of Oil
- Ireland
- Ireland Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
- Iş Enerji
- Isagen
- Island Green Power
- Israel
- Israeli Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure
- Italy
- Ithaca Energy
- Jacks, skates and rollers
- Jadestone Energy
- Jamaica
- Jan De Nul Group
- Japan
- Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)
- Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC)
- Japan Renewable Energy
- Japex
- Jearrard Energy Resources (JER)
- JetBlue Airways Corp
- JG Pears
- Jindal Steel and Power Limited (JSPL)
- Jinko Power
- JLEN Environmental Assets Group
- JMB Solar
- John Cockerill
- Jordan
- J-Power
- JSC Thermal Power Plants
- JSW Energy
- JX Nippon
- K92 Mining
- Kallpa Generación
- Kamoa Copper
- Kandadji hydroelectric project
- Kansai Electric Power Company
- Karachaganak Petroleum Operating (KPO)
- Kazakhstan
- KazMunayGas
- KBR Industrial Canada
- Ke Go MK Solar Power Joint Stock Company
- KE Projects
- Keele University
- Kelfield
- Kemira
- Kent
- Kenya
- Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen)
- Khanjahan Ali Power Company
- Kinetiko Energy
- Kingfisher Energy
- Kingspan
- Kinross Gold
- KL Technology
- Klaipedos Nafta
- Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO)
- Korea South-East Power Company (KOEN)
- Korea Western Power
- Korea Western Power Corporation (KOWEPO)
- Kosmos Energy
- Kozloduy NPP-Newbuild
- Kufpec
- KUFPEC Australia (Julimar)
- Kuwait
- Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company (KIPIC)
- Kuwait Oil Company
- Kuwait Petroleum International
- Kyrgyzstan
- L&G NTR Clean Power Fund
- L&T
- Lader Energy
- Lake Charles LNG
- Lamprell
- Lancaster University
- Lanchester Properties
- Landfill Gas and Power
- Landwind Group
- Laos
- Larsen & Toubro
- Latin America
- Latin America
- Latvia
- Law
- Lealea Group
- Lebanon
- Leo Lithium
- LG Chem
- Lhyfe
- Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
- Lighthouse Infrastructure
- Lightsource bp
- Linde
- Lithuania
- Livos Renewables
- Liwathon E.O.S.
- LLOG Exploration Offshore
- LMS Energy
- LocoGen
- Logistics
- Lomond Energy
- Long Beach Airport
- Longcliffe Quarries
- Longearth
- Lotte
- Lovie
- Low Carbon
- Lowlands Health & Energy
- LP
- LSBP Enerlife
- Lucara Diamond
- Lukoil
- Luminous Energy
- Lung Lo Construction
- LX International
- M H Leyland
- Mackay Sugar
- Mackies
- Macphie Of Glenbervie
- Macquarie
- Macquarie Generation
- Madoqua Renewables
- Madsar
- Mag Mell Energy Ireland
- Magallanes Renovables
- Magnora Offshore Wind
- Mainstream Renewable Power
- Mainstream Renewable Power
- MAIRE Group
- Malaysia
- Malaysia Marine & Heavy Engineering
- Malaysia Petroleum Management
- Malaysian Sarawak Economic Development Corporation Energy
- Mali
- Malta
- MAN Energy Solutions
- Manawa Energy
- Mangan Chvaletice
- MANWEB Generation Holdings
- Maoneng
- Marathon Gold
- Marathon Oil
- Mari Petroleum Company
- Marimaca Copper
- MarramWind
- Marubeni
- Marubeni Australia
- Masdar
- Masen
- Mass Group Holding (MGH)
- Massy Wood
- Maurel & Prom
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mayur Resources
- Mbuyu Energy
- McDermott International
- Medco Arabia
- Medco E&P
- MedGas
- Mediterranean Energy Partners (MEP)
- Megatuuli
- Meinergy
- Melbana
- Melbana Energy
- Meld Energy
- Mellitah Oil & Gas
- Melrose Farms
- Mendubim
- Menthaex
- Mercury
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Meridiam
- Meridian Energy Australia
- Meridian Windpark Günstedt
- Mersey Docks and Harbour Company
- Merus Power
- Methanex
- Metlen Energy & Metals
- Metsähallitus
- Metso
- Mexico
- Mexico Pacific
- Miawpukek First Nation
- Micon
- Middle East
- Middle East
- Midfearn Renewables
- Midstream
- Midstream
- Midstream
- Midwest H2Hub
- Minara Resources
- MingYang Smart Energy
- Mining
- Ministry of Energy and Minerals of the Sultanate of Oman
- Ministry of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources
- Ministry of Energy Norway
- Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Ministry of Energy Uzbekistan
- Ministry of Mines, Oil and Energy of Côte d’Ivoire
- Mintal Hydrogen
- Mitsubishi
- Mitsubishi Estate
- Mitsui
- Mocean Energy
- Mogobe Local Community Trust
- MOL Group
- Moldova
- Moldova Eolian
- Mongolia
- Mongolyn Alt MAK
- Mongoose
- Montenegro
- Monument
- Mornflake Oats
- Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy
- Moroccan National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines
- Morocco
- Morven Offshore Wind
- Mosman Oil and Gas
- Moss Lake Partners
- Mott MacDonald
- Move On Energy
- Mozambique
- MSEB Agro Solar Power
- MSF Sugar
- MTO Gas Chemical Complex
- Muir Mhòr Offshore Wind
- Muirden Energy
- Muirhall Energy
- Munich Re
- Munich Re (previously Peel)
- Municipal District of Greenview
- Murphy Oil Corporation
- Myanmar
- Myanmar Energy Ministry
- N R Gammie Partnership
- Nadara
- Nama Power & Water Procurement Company (Nama PWP)
- Namibia
- NamPower
- Nantes Metropolis
- Nation Petroleum Construction Company
- National Energy Laboratories (NEL)
- National Energy System Operator (NESO)
- National Gas
- National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago (NGC)
- National Grid
- National High-Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL)
- National Highways
- National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC)
- National Iranian Oil Company
- National Marine Dredging Company
- National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)
- National Oil Corporation
- National Oil, Gas, and Biofuels Agency (ANPG)
- National Operating Company
- National Park Service
- National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC)
- National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR)
- National Power Park Management Company (NPPMCL)
- National Windpower
- Natural Power
- Nauticol
- Ncondezi Energy
- NECEC Transmission
- NEL Hydrogen
- NEO Energy
- Neoen
- Neoenergia
- Neom Green Hydrogen Company (NGHC)
- Neptune Energy
- Nesma Company
- Neste Corporation
- Net Zero Technology Centre
- Netherlands
- Networks
- New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA)
- New Developments
- New Fortress Energy
- New Fortress Energy (NFE)
- New Gas Consortium
- New Gold
- New Zealand
- Newcrest Mining
- Newgen Neerabup Partnership
- Newgen Power Kwinana Partnership
- NewMed Energy
- Newmont Australia
- Nexans
- Nexif Energy
- Next Generation
- NextDecade
- NextEra Energy
- Nextpower Chapel
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC)
- Nine Network
- Nippon Steel Corp
- Nissan Motor Manufacturing UK
- Nofar Energy
- Nomura
- Nordbex
- Nordex Group
- Nordic Investment Bank (NIB)
- Nordland fylkeskommune
- Nordsøfonden
- Norge Mining
- Noriker Power
- Norsk Solar
- North America
- North America
- North British Windpower
- North Gas Company (NGC)
- North Harris Trust
- North Macedonia
- North Oil Company (NOC)
- North Sea Midstream Partners (NSMP)
- Northern Cross Offshore Wind Farm
- Northern Dynasty Minerals
- Northern Ireland Renewables
- Northern Lights
- Northern Power Systems
- Northern Star Resources
- Northern Territory Government
- Northern Territory Power and Water
- Northland Power
- Northwest Territories Power Corporation
- Norvento
- Norway
- Norwegian Offshore Directorate
- Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
- Notus Energy
- Nova Innovation
- Nova Power
- Novatek
- Novawind
- Novera Energy
- NRG Energy
- NTPC Green Energy Limited (NGEL)
- Nuclear
- Nuclear Power Ghana (NPG)
- Nucor
- NU-E Corp
- Nuovenergie
- NuScale Power
- Nuward
- O2 Power
- Oakey Power
- Occidental Petroleum
- Ocean Breeze Energy
- Ocean Winds
- OCP Group
- Octopus Energy
- Octopus Investments
- Odfjell Oceanwind
- Offshore
- Offshore wind
- Offshore Wind Limited
- Offshore Wind Power
- Oil
- Oil
- Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
- Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL)
- Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
- Oil India
- Oilfield Production Consultants (OPC)
- Ökowind
- O'Leary Ventures
- Omaha Public Power District (OPPD)
- Omaha Public Power District (OPPD)
- Oman
- Oman Electricity Transmission Company (OETC)
- Oman LNG
- Oman Oil
- OMV Group
- OMV Petrom
- One Gas Resources
- One Planet Associates (OPA)
- ONE-Dyas
- Onix Group
- OnPath Energy
- Onshore wind
- Ontras Gastransport
- Opcom
- Opdenergy
- Operational
- OQ
- Oracle Energy
- OranjeWind
- ORE Catapult
- Origin Energy
- Orion OWF
- Orkney Sustainable Energy
- Orlen Group
- ORLEN Upstream Norway (formerly PGNiG Upstream Norway)
- Ormat Technologies
- Ormsary and Stronachullin Estates (Allt Dearg Wind Farmers LLP)
- Ørsted
- Orton Park Wind Energy
- Ossian OWF
- Otter Power
- Overland
- OX2
- OZ Minerals
- P2X Solutions
- Pacific Hydro
- Pacifico Energy
- Packing and crating
- Padero Solar
- Pakistan
- Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)
- Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL)
- Pakistan State Oil (PSO)
- Pan American Energy Group
- Panama
- Pandion Energy
- Panoro Energy
- Pant y Maen Wind
- Papua New Guinea
- Pars Oil and Gas Company
- Partners Group
- Pathways Alliance
- Pattern Energy
- Peabody
- Pebble Limited Partnership
- Peel Energy
- Pembina Pipeline
- Pemex
- Peninsula Energy
- Pennant Walters
- Pennpetro Energy
- Pensana
- Perdaman Industries
- Perenco
- Perpetua Mogobe (RF)
- Perseus
- Pertamina
- Perth Zoo
- Peru
- Petoro
- Petro Madad
- Petro Matad
- Petro Tejarat Shahin
- Petrobel
- Petrobras
- Petrochemical
- PetroChina
- PetroCi
- Petroecuador
- Petrofac
- PetroIneos
- Petroleum Sarawak Exploration & Production
- Petronas
- Petroperú
- Petrosen
- PetroVietnam
- PetroVietnam Technical Services Corporation (PTSC)
- PG&E
- PGE PAK Energia Jądrowa
- Pharaonic Petroleum Company (PhPC)
- Philippines
- Phillips 66
- Phillips 66 Alliance H2PL
- Phu Quoc Petroleum Operating Company
- Phu Quoc Petroleum Operating Company (PQPOC)
- PI Renewables 2
- Piedmont
- Pine Gate Renewables
- Pioneer Energy
- Planning/Pre-development
- Platina Partners
- Plenitude
- Pluspetrol
- Point Power & Energy
- Poland
- Polat Enerji
- Polenergia
- Polhem Infra
- Polimix Energia
- Politecnico di Torino
- Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo (PGNiG)
- Port Arthur LNG
- Port of Dunkirk
- Port of Rotterdam
- Port of Seattle
- Porthos
- Ports and terminals
- Portugal
- Postponed
- Power
- Power and Water Corporation
- Power Company of Karnataka (PCKL)
- Power Construction Corporation of China (PowerChina)
- Power Grid Corporation of India
- Power Pac
- Power2X
- PowerChina
- Powergen Renewable Energy
- Powergrid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL)
- PPC Group
- PPX Mining
- Prima Energi
- Prime Capital
- Primus Advanced Technologies
- Princes Gate Spring Water
- Principle Power
- Private Developer
- Progression Energy
- Projects
- Promethean Decommissioning Company
- Promethean Energy
- Proserv
- Prosolia Energy
- Prospex Energy
- Provaris Energy
- PS Renewables
- PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN)
- PtX Development Fund
- Public Works and Spatial Planning Office
- Public Works Bureau of Tainan City Government
- Publigaz SA
- Pucobre
- Puerto Rico
- px Group
- Q Energy
- Qair
- Qatar
- Qatar Electricity and Water Company (QEWC)
- Qatar Energy (QE)
- QatarEnergy
- Qatargas
- Qiddiya Investment Company (QIC)
- Queensland Gas Company
- Queensland Hydro
- RATCH Australia
- RATCH-Australia
- Ratio
- RDC Scotland
- RDC Scotland (Renewable Development Co.)
- Recruitment and training
- Red Rock Power
- Red Rock Renewables
- Red Rocket
- Red Rose Infrastructure
- Red Sea Wind Energy
- Red Sky Energy
- Redpath Energy
- REG Power Management
- REG Windpower
- Reganosa
- Regions
- Regnum Technology Group
- Reliance
- REN Atlantico
- ReNew Power
- Renewable Connections
- Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (SATBA)
- Renewable Energy Generation (REG)
- Renewable Energy Partnerships
- Renewable Energy Systems (RES)
- Renewable Energy Ventures
- Renewable Power Capital (RPC)
- Renewables
- Renewco Power
- Renexia
- Repowering
- Repsol
- RES Group
- Resan JV
- Resense
- Resilient Energy Mounteneys Renewables
- Resonance
- Respect Energy Capital Group
- REV Renewables
- Revesby Workers Club
- Revolution Wind
- Rezolv Energy
- Rio Tinto
- Rio2
- Ripple Energy
- Risen
- Ritchie Bland Energy
- RJ McLeod
- RockbySea
- Romania
- Romania Ministry of Energy
- Romgaz
- Rosatom
- Rosneft
- Rotterdam Port Authority
- Roy Hill Iron Ore
- Roy Humphrey Group
- Royal Commission for Riyadh City (RCRC)
- RP Global
- rPlus Hydro
- RPMI Railpen
- RPS Group
- Russia
- Russia & CIS
- Russia & CIS
- RWE Clean Energy
- SAB WindTeam
- Sabah LNG Project
- Sabah Shell Petroleum (SSPC)
- SAC Environment And Design
- SAE Renewables
- Safety
- Saggas
- Saipem
- Sakhalin Energy
- Sakhalinmorneftegazn
- Samruk-Kazyna
- Samsung Engineering
- Sandow Lakes Energy Company
- Santos
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Saudi Arabia
- Saudi Aramco
- Saudi Electricity Company
- Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC)
- Saudi Power Procurement
- Saudi Power Procurement Company (SPPC)
- Saudi Water and Electricity Holding Company (Badeel)
- Savannah Energy
- SBM Offshore
- Scatec
- Scotia Wind
- Scotrenewables
- Scottish Equity Partners
- Scottish Power
- Scottish Renewables
- ScottishPower Renewables
- Screggagh Wind Farm
- SDX Energy
- Sea Wind Holding
- Sea Wind Holding
- SeaRenergy
- SeaSapphire
- Seascape Energy
- Seatrium
- Sectors
- Seegronan Windfarm
- SeisGlobe Geoservices
- Sembcorp
- Sempra
- Seneca Global Energy
- Senegal
- Sener
- Separation Rapids (SRL)
- Seplat Energy
- Serbia
- Seren Energy
- Serica Energy
- Servicios Sísmicos de Exploración (SSE)
- Severn Trent Water
- Severnside Carbon Capture and Shipping Hub (7CO2)
- SgurrEnergy
- Shaanxi Gas Group
- Shandong Energy Group
- Shanghai Electric
- Shanghai Fengling Renewables
- Shannon LNG
- Sharjah Oasis Real Estate Company
- Shell
- Shell Offshore
- Shenergy
- ShenHa
- Sherbro Alliance Partners (SAP)
- Shetland Aerogenerators
- Shikoku Electric Power
- Shipping
- Shizen Energy Group.
- Shougang Group
- Sibelco
- Siemens Energy
- Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
- Siemens-BAM JV
- Sierra Leone
- Simply Blue
- Sindh Energy Holding Company
- Singapore
- Singapore LNG Corporation (SLNG)
- Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL)
- Sinopec
- SK E&S
- SK Earthon
- Skulte LNG Terminal
- Sky Wind Energy
- Skyborn Renewables
- Skylab Australia
- SLB OneSubsea
- Slovakia
- SLP Energy
- SMS Group
- Snam
- Snow Mountain Investment Ltd
- Snowy Hydro
- Société Mauritanienne des Hydrocarbures (SMH)
- Société Nationale d’Electricité du Sénégal (Senelec)
- Söderenergi
- Software
- Sogea-Satom
- Solar
- Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI)
- SolarDuck
- Solaria
- Solarpack
- Solstad Maritime AS
- Solstad Offshore ASA
- Solutia
- Sonangol
- Sonatrach
- Sonelgaz
- Song Da
- Sonnedix
- Source Energy
- Source Galileo
- South Africa
- South Hook LNG
- South Korea
- South Refineries Company (SRC)
- South32
- Southern Cross Energy
- Southrigg WT
- Soventix
- Spain
- Spark Renewables
- SPARX Green Energy & Technology
- Spencer Group
- Spirit Energy
- Springfield Exploration and Production (SEP)
- SPV Unique Meghnaghat Power Plant
- Squadron Energy
- Srondoire Wind Farmers
- SSE Airtricity
- SSE Renewables
- SSEN Transmission
- St George Leagues Club
- Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname
- Stanwell Corporation
- Stapylton Green Energy
- State Grid Corporation of China
- State Oil Company (SOCAR)
- State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC)
- Statera Energy
- Statkraft
- Statoil
- Steelhead Americas
- Stellantis
- STEP Polymers
- Sterling & Wilson
- Sterlite Power
- Stonepeak
- Storag Etzel
- Storas Uibhist
- Strapping and lashing
- Strathdee Energy
- Strike Energy
- Strom 2020
- Subsea Integration Alliance
- Subsea7
- Sudan
- Suez
- Sulmara
- Sumitomo
- Sumitomo Electric Industries
- Summit Corporation
- Summit Oil and Shipping
- Summit Power
- Sun Cable
- Sun Metals
- SunAsia
- Sunnyside Wind Farm
- Sunshine Sugar
- Sunview Group
- Suomen Voima
- Suriname
- Surveying
- Sustainable Fuels Group (SFG)
- Sval Energi
- Svevind Energy
- Sweden
- Swiss Federal Railways
- Switzerland
- Symex Holding
- Synera Renewable Energy (SRE)
- Synergen Power
- T.N.
- Taaleri
- TAG Oil
- TagEnergy
- Taipower
- Taiwan
- Taiwan Power Company (Taipower)
- Taiya Renewable Energy
- Talisman Energy
- Tallgrass Energy
- Talos Energy
- Tamboran Resources
- Tanzania
- Targa Resources
- Tarong Energy
- Tau-Ken Samruk
- Tauron Zielona Energia
- TCI Gecomp
- TCI Renewables
- Technip Energies
- TechnipFMC
- Técnicas Reunidas
- Tegni
- Temporis Capital
- Tender
- Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
- TenneT
- Tepco Renewable Power
- Terna
- Terra Solar Partner
- Terrawatt Planungsgesellschaft
- Terrestrial Energy
- Territory Generation
- Tesla
- Tethys Oil
- Tetro Energy
- Texas Central
- Texas LNG
- Thaba JV
- Thai Oil
- Thailand
- Thal
- Thames Water
- Tharwa Petroleum Company
- The Sovereign Fund of Egypt (TSFE)
- The Albanian Ministry of Infrastructure
- The Blue Circle
- The China Oil & Gas Pipeline Network Corporation (PipeChina)
- The Crown Estate
- The Energy Workshop
- The Gateway Development Commission (GDC)
- The Government of Ceará
- The Hydrogen Utility
- The Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC
- The North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA)
- The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM)
- The Renewables Infrastructure Group (TRIG)
- The Solent Cluster
- The Wind Company
- Theta Gold Mines
- Thistle Wind Partners
- Thorpe Estate
- Thrive Renewables
- Tilt Renewables
- TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft
- TMV Green
- TNEI Services
- Tobermore
- Todmorden Moor Wind Farm Ltd
- Tohoku Electric
- Tokyo Gas
- Tomago Aluminium
- Toshiba
- Total Eren
- TotalEnergies
- Toubani Resources
- Touchstone Exploration
- Toyota
- Trafigura
- Trago Energy
- Training portal
- Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP)
- Trans Mountain
- TransCanyon
- Transgaz
- Transgrid
- Transitional Energy Group
- Transmission
- Transnafta
- Transoceanic Gas and Power
- Transport engineering
- Triconti Windkraft Group
- Trigen Energy
- Trigon Metals
- Trillion Energy
- Trina Solar International System Business Unit (ISBU)
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Trøndelag fylkeskommune
- TRUenergy
- Tullow Oil
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Turkmengas
- Turkmengas
- Turkmenistan
- Twence
- TwinHub
- Twistle Wind Partners (TWP)
- Tyrone Wind Energy Ltd
- UEM Group
- Uganda
- UGL Engineering
- Uhl Windkraft
- Uhl Windkraft
- UK Oil & Gas
- Ukraine
- Ukrainian Railways
- Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen
- Under construction
- Under development
- Under the jib
- Undisclosed
- Union Jack Oil
- Uniper
- United Arab Emirates
- United Energy Pakistan Limited (UEPL)
- United Kingdom
- United Oil & Gas
- United States of America
- University of Kansas
- University of Queensland
- Upphandling Södertörn
- Upstream
- Upstream
- Upstream
- Urban Rural Energy
- Urban Wind
- Uruguay
- Urząd Regulacji Energetyki (URE)
- US Army Corps of Engineers
- US Department of Defense
- US Department of Energy
- US Department of the Interior
- US Navy
- Utilitas Wind
- Uzbekistan
- VAALCO Energy
- Vale
- Valeura Energy
- Valorem
- Vantage RE
- Vår Energi
- Vår energi ASA
- Vårgrønn
- Vast Solar
- Vattenfall
- Vena Energy
- Veneco
- Venezuela
- Ventient Energy
- Vento Ludens
- Venture Global LNG
- Ventus Renewables
- Veolia
- Verano Energy
- Verbund
- Veri
- Verlume
- Vertrieb
- Verve Energy
- Vestas
- Viaro Energy
- Vibe Energy
- Victorian Government
- Vietnam
- Vietnam Electricity (EVN)
- VINCI Autoroutes
- Vinci construction
- Vineyard Mid-Atlantic
- Vinliden Vindkraft
- Vista Sands Solar
- Visy Pulp and Paper
- Vitol
- VNG Gasspeicher
- VNG Handel
- Voltalia
- Vopak
- Vorarlberger Illwerke
- Vortex Metals
- VSB Group
- Vulcan
- W&T Offshore
- Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
- Washington State Department of Transportation
- Waste Gas Resources
- WasteFuel
- Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA)
- Water Corporation
- Water Systems Consulting
- Wave
- WeBuild
- Welsh Water
- Wentworth and Harper
- Wessex Solar Energy
- Wessex Water Engineering Services
- West African Energy
- West Coast Energy
- West Illawarra Leagues Club
- West Knock Farm
- Westbridge
- Westbury Windfarms
- Western Australian Landfill Services
- Western Energy
- Western Green Energy Hub (WGEH)
- Western Suburbs Leagues Club
- Westinghouse Electric
- WestWind Energy
- Wharrels Hill Windfarm Ltd
- Whirlwind Renewables
- Whistler Pipeline
- White Young Green Planning
- WhiteRock Energy
- Whitewater
- Wien Energie
- Willis Sustainable Fuels
- Wilmar Sugar
- Wind Direct
- Wind Energy Direct
- Wind Estate (UK)
- Wind Farm Developments
- Wind Harvest
- Wind Prospect
- Wind Prospects (WPO)
- WindBauer
- Windcluster Limited
- Windel Energy
- Windflow UK
- Windjen Power
- Windlab
- Windpark Engelhartstetten
- Wintershall
- Wintershall Dea
- Wirsol Edify Energy
- Wolfden Resources
- Wolverine Power Cooperative
- Wood
- Wood
- Woodfibre LNG
- Woodside Energy
- Worley
- Worsley Alumina
- wpd
- Wright Prospecting
- Xcel Energy
- Yara International
- Yorkshire Water
- Yorkshire Windpower
- Your Energy
- YTL PowerSeraya
- Yunneng Wind Power
- Zambia
- Zen Energy
- Zephyr Energy
- ZeroGeo Energy
- Zeus Energía
- Zhejiang Energy Company
- Zijin Mining Group
- Zimbabwe