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- Gaarz IV Windkraft
- Gabon
- Gaelectric Developments
- Gaia Energy
- Galileo
- Galleon Gold
- Galp
- Galson Estate Trust
- Gangfeng Lithium
- Garth Wind
- Gas
- Gas
- Gasgrid Finland
- Gasgrid Finland
- Gasgrid Finland
- Gastrade
- Gasunie
- Gate Terminal
- GazelEnergie
- Gazelle Energy Limited
- Gazifere
- Gazprom
- Gaz-System
- GE
- GE Vernova
- Gecelca
- Gemini OWF
- General Authority for Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZONE)
- Genesis Energy
- Gentari
- GeoPark
- GeoPura
- George Richards Farms Partnership
- Georgia
- Georgia Power
- German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA)
- German Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur)
- German LNG Terminal
- Germany
- Getech
- GFG Alliance
- Ghana
- Ghana National Petroleum Corp
- Ghazala
- Ghella
- Giampaolo Group
- GIGA Storage
- GL Group
- Glaxosmithkline (GSK)
- Glencore
- Glennmont Partners
- Global Green Asset Financing (GGAF)
- Global Infrastructure Partners
- Global Power Generation
- GNPC Explorco
- Golar LNG
- Golconda
- Gold Fields
- Golden Square Energy
- Goldwind Australia
- Good Energy
- Gorgon Joint Venture Participants
- Government Holdings (Private) Limited
- Government of Cyprus
- Government of Egypt
- Government of Iran
- Government of Iraq
- Government of New South Wales (NSW)
- Government of Oman
- Government of Pakistan
- Government of Poland
- Government of Romania
- Government of UK
- Government of Vietnam
- GPS Joint Venture
- GR Value
- Grain Belt Express
- Grain LNG
- Grand Isle LNG
- Graphite One
- Gravis Capital Management
- Great Energy Alliance Corporation (GEAC)
- Great Orton Wind Farms
- Greece
- Green Breeze Energy
- Green Cat Renewables
- Green Energy
- Green Genius
- Green Highland Renewables
- Green Investment Group
- Green Power
- Greenbacker Capital Management
- Greencoat
- Greenfield
- GreenGo
- GreenIT
- Greenko
- Greenland
- Greenlink Interconnector Limited (GIL)
- Greenpower International
- Greenside Wind Energy
- Greenspan Electric
- Greenvale AP
- Greenville LNG
- Greenvolt Power
- Grenergy
- Gresham House
- Grey Street Solar Limited
- Greymouth Gas Turangi
- Grid Corporation of Odisha (GRIDCO)
- Griffin Energy
- Group Energy Gas Panama
- Groupe GRTE
- Grüne Energien
- Grüne Energien Projekt UG
- Grupo Ibereólica Renovables
- Grupo Jepri
- GS Corporation
- GU Southline LLC
- Guangdong Energy
- Guinea
- Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd (GUVNL)
- Gulf Coast H2Hub
- Gulf Energy
- Gulf Petrochemical
- Gulfstream LNG
- Gunvor Energy Rotterdam
- Guyana