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- Danish Energy Agency
- Danoil
- Danske Bank
- Dautkandi
- Decommissioning
- Deep Wind Offshore
- DeepOcean
- Defic Globe
- DeLa Express
- Delta Electricity
- Democratic People's Republic of Korea
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Denison Mines
- Denker & Wulf
- Denmark
- Department of Environmental Protection - NYC
- Department of State Growth
- Depomures
- Deutsche ReGas
- Devon Wind Power
- Dewlay Cheese Company
- DF Renewables
- Dialog Resources
- Diamond Energy
- DIF Capital Partners
- DIN Forsyning
- Djibouti
- DOF Group
- Dominion Energy
- Doral Energy
- Doreen Power Company
- Dow
- Downing
- Downstream
- Downstream
- Downstream
- Drax Group
- DTEK Group
- Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA)
- Dubai Petroleum Establishment (DPE)
- Dubai Supply Authority (DUSUP)
- Dunkerque LNG
- Dutch Bangla
- DW Consultancy