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- W&T Offshore
- Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
- Washington State Department of Transportation
- Waste Gas Resources
- WasteFuel
- Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA)
- Water Corporation
- Water Systems Consulting
- Wave
- WeBuild
- Welsh Water
- Wentworth and Harper
- Wessex Solar Energy
- Wessex Water Engineering Services
- West African Energy
- West Coast Energy
- West Illawarra Leagues Club
- West Knock Farm
- Westbridge
- Westbury Windfarms
- Western Australian Landfill Services
- Western Energy
- Western Green Energy Hub (WGEH)
- Western Suburbs Leagues Club
- Westinghouse Electric
- WestWind Energy
- Wharrels Hill Windfarm Ltd
- Whirlwind Renewables
- Whistler Pipeline
- White Young Green Planning
- WhiteRock Energy
- Whitewater
- Wien Energie
- Willis Sustainable Fuels
- Wilmar Sugar
- Wind Direct
- Wind Energy Direct
- Wind Estate (UK)
- Wind Farm Developments
- Wind Harvest
- Wind Prospect
- Wind Prospects (WPO)
- WindBauer
- Windcluster Limited
- Windel Energy
- Windflow UK
- Windjen Power
- Windlab
- Windpark Engelhartstetten
- Wintershall
- Wintershall Dea
- Wirsol Edify Energy
- Wolfden Resources
- Wolverine Power Cooperative
- Wood
- Wood
- Woodfibre LNG
- Woodside Energy
- Worley
- Worsley Alumina
- wpd
- Wright Prospecting