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- VAALCO Energy
- Vale
- Valeura Energy
- Valorem
- Vantage RE
- Vår Energi
- Vår energi ASA
- Vårgrønn
- Vast Solar
- Vattenfall
- Vena Energy
- Veneco
- Venezuela
- Ventient Energy
- Vento Ludens
- Venture Global LNG
- Ventus Renewables
- Veolia
- Verano Energy
- Verbund
- Veri
- Verlume
- Vertrieb
- Verve Energy
- Vestas
- Viaro Energy
- Vibe Energy
- Victorian Government
- Vietnam
- Vietnam Electricity (EVN)
- VINCI Autoroutes
- Vinci construction
- Vineyard Mid-Atlantic
- Vinliden Vindkraft
- Vista Sands Solar
- Visy Pulp and Paper
- Vitol
- VNG Gasspeicher
- VNG Handel
- Voltalia
- Vopak
- Vorarlberger Illwerke
- Vortex Metals
- VSB Group
- Vulcan