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- UEM Group
- Uganda
- UGL Engineering
- Uhl Windkraft
- Uhl Windkraft
- UK Oil & Gas
- Ukraine
- Ukrainian Railways
- Umweltgerechte Kraftanlagen
- Under construction
- Under development
- Under the jib
- Undisclosed
- Union Jack Oil
- Uniper
- United Arab Emirates
- United Energy Pakistan Limited (UEPL)
- United Kingdom
- United Oil & Gas
- United States of America
- University of Kansas
- University of Queensland
- Upphandling Södertörn
- Upstream
- Upstream
- Upstream
- Urban Rural Energy
- Urban Wind
- Uruguay
- Urząd Regulacji Energetyki (URE)
- US Army Corps of Engineers
- US Department of Defense
- US Department of Energy
- US Department of the Interior
- US Navy
- Utilitas Wind
- Uzbekistan