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- B9 Energy
- BACS consortium
- BadaEnergy
- Badeel
- Bahrain
- Baillie Windfarm
- Baker Hughes
- Bakhatar Petrochemical
- Balfour Beatty
- Ballarat Base Hospital
- Baltic Power
- Bangladesh
- Bangladesh Power Development Board
- Bankhead Renewable Energy
- Banks Renewables
- Bankstown Sports Club
- Bapco Upstream
- Barrick Gold
- Basra Oil Company
- Battery storage
- Bay Temiz Enerji Elektrik Uretim Insaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi
- Bayou Bend CCS
- BayWa
- Baywind Co-op & Energy
- Beach Energy
- Beacon Energy
- Beacon Offshore Energy
- Bechtel
- Belgium
- Ben Aketil Wind Energy
- Benin
- Bernard Matthews Green Energy
- Bessy Bell Windfarm
- Betws
- Beuhal International
- Bilfinger
- Binh Son Refining
- Biogreen Energy
- Biyaq Oilfield Services
- BJCE Australia
- Black Forest Partners
- Black Rock Mining
- BlackRock
- Blackrock Real Assets
- Blantyre Muir Wind Energy
- Block Energy
- Blue Energy
- Blue Gem Wind
- BlueFloat Energy
- Blueleaf Energy
- BlueNord
- BNP Paribas
- Boco Rock Wind Farm
- BOE II Exploration
- Bolivia
- Boom Power
- Boralex
- Border Wind
- Border Winds
- Botswana
- Boultbee Brooks
- Boyndie Wind Farm
- bp
- bp ventures
- Branna Industrial & Technical Services
- Brazil
- Brazilian National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL)
- Brett Martin
- BrightNights
- Bristol City Council
- Bristol Port Company
- British Solar Renewables (BSR Energy)
- British Solar Renewables (BSR)
- Broadview Energy
- Brock Family
- Brockholes Farm
- Brockwell Energy
- Brookfield Renewable
- Brownfield
- Brownieleys Renewables
- Bruce County
- Brunei Darussalam
- Brunei Shell Petroleum
- BSI Wind
- Bulgaria
- Bureau of Ocean Management (BOEM)
- Buru Energy
- Business
- BW Energy
- BW Offshore
- Byrnecut