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- M H Leyland
- Mackay Sugar
- Mackies
- Macphie Of Glenbervie
- Macquarie
- Macquarie Generation
- Madoqua Renewables
- Madsar
- Mag Mell Energy Ireland
- Magallanes Renovables
- Magnora Offshore Wind
- Mainstream Renewable Power
- Mainstream Renewable Power
- MAIRE Group
- Malaysia
- Malaysia Marine & Heavy Engineering
- Malaysia Petroleum Management
- Malaysian Sarawak Economic Development Corporation Energy
- Mali
- Malta
- MAN Energy Solutions
- Manawa Energy
- Mangan Chvaletice
- MANWEB Generation Holdings
- Maoneng
- Marathon Gold
- Marathon Oil
- Mari Petroleum Company
- Marimaca Copper
- MarramWind
- Marubeni
- Marubeni Australia
- Masdar
- Masen
- Mass Group Holding (MGH)
- Massy Wood
- Maurel & Prom
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mayur Resources
- Mbuyu Energy
- McDermott International
- Medco Arabia
- Medco E&P
- MedGas
- Mediterranean Energy Partners (MEP)
- Megatuuli
- Meinergy
- Melbana
- Melbana Energy
- Meld Energy
- Mellitah Oil & Gas
- Melrose Farms
- Mendubim
- Menthaex
- Mercury
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Meridiam
- Meridian Energy Australia
- Meridian Windpark Günstedt
- Mersey Docks and Harbour Company
- Merus Power
- Methanex
- Metlen Energy & Metals
- Metsähallitus
- Metso
- Mexico
- Mexico Pacific
- Miawpukek First Nation
- Micon
- Middle East
- Middle East
- Midfearn Renewables
- Midstream
- Midstream
- Midstream
- Midwest H2Hub
- Minara Resources
- MingYang Smart Energy
- Mining
- Ministry of Energy and Minerals of the Sultanate of Oman
- Ministry of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources
- Ministry of Energy Norway
- Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Ministry of Energy Uzbekistan
- Ministry of Mines, Oil and Energy of Côte d’Ivoire
- Mintal Hydrogen
- Mitsubishi
- Mitsubishi Estate
- Mitsui
- Mocean Energy
- Mogobe Local Community Trust
- MOL Group
- Moldova
- Moldova Eolian
- Mongolia
- Mongolyn Alt MAK
- Mongoose
- Montenegro
- Monument
- Mornflake Oats
- Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy
- Moroccan National Office of Hydrocarbons and Mines
- Morocco
- Morven Offshore Wind
- Mosman Oil and Gas
- Moss Lake Partners
- Mott MacDonald
- Move On Energy
- Mozambique
- MSEB Agro Solar Power
- MSF Sugar
- MTO Gas Chemical Complex
- Muir Mhòr Offshore Wind
- Muirden Energy
- Muirhall Energy
- Munich Re
- Munich Re (previously Peel)
- Municipal District of Greenview
- Murphy Oil Corporation
- Myanmar
- Myanmar Energy Ministry