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- A.P. Møller Capital
- A7 Energy
- Abdul Latif Jameel Energy and Environment Services
- Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce
- Aberdeen City Council
- ABO Energy
- ABO Wind
- Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)
- Acciona
- Acciona Energía
- Ace Gas and FLNG
- ACL Energy
- Aclara
- ACME Group
- Acorn
- Actemium
- ACWA Power
- Adani Energy Solutions
- Adani Green Energy
- Adani Group
- Adani Power
- Adelaide Showgrounds
- ADNOC Drilling Compnay
- Adris Grupa
- Advario
- ADX Energy
- Aeolian Holderness
- AES Andes
- AES Corporation
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- Africa
- Africa Geothermal International No. 1 Limited (AGIL No. 1)
- Africa50
- AGL Energy
- Air Liquide
- Air Products
- Airfreight
- Airvolution Energy
- Ajlan Brothers
- Aker BP
- Aker Carbon Capture
- Aker Energy
- Aker Horizons
- Aker Offshore wind
- Aker Solutions
- Albania
- Albemarle Lithium
- Albgaz
- Alcazar Energy Partners
- Alcemi
- Alcoa of Australia
- Alfen
- Algeria
- Alinta Energy
- Aljomaih Energy and Water Company (AEW)
- Allianz
- Allkem
- Almoayyed Contracting Group
- Almonty Industries
- Alpha Dhabi
- AlphaReal
- Alpiq
- Altera Infrastructure
- Alterric
- Aluar
- Aluminium Bahrain (Alba)
- AM Green Ammonia
- Amber Grid
- AMEA Power
- Amegni Renewables
- American Battery Technology Company (ABTC)
- American Petroleum Institute (API)
- AMI AC Renewables
- Amplus Energy Services
- Amprion
- Ampyr Solar Europe
- Amtrak
- AnaeCo
- Anchorage Investments
- Andes Energy Development Company
- Anesco
- Angel CCS
- Anglo Renewables
- AngloGold Ashanti
- Angola
- Anhui Jinzhai Pumped Storage Power
- Announced
- Anono Lithium
- Anori
- Antofagasta
- ANZ Energy Infrastructure Trust
- APA Group
- Apex Clean Energy
- Apex Minerals
- Apollo
- Appointments
- Approved
- Aquatera
- Aquatera
- ArcelorMittal
- Archer
- Argentina
- Argentina Ministry of Energy
- Argeo
- Ark Energy
- Armenia
- Arnish Electric Ltd
- Arrow Energy
- Ascension Clean Energy (ACE)
- Asia
- Asia
- Asia Petroleum Energy Corporation (Asiapetro)
- Assmang Proprietary Limited
- Associated British Ports (ABP_
- ATCO Electric
- ATCO Energy Systems
- ATCO Power
- Atlanta Gas Light
- Atlantic Lithium
- Atlantic LNG
- Atlantic Ltd
- Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind
- Atlas Group
- Atlas Renewable Energy
- ATOME Energy
- Atrato Onsite Energy
- Augstsprieguma Tīkls
- Aukera
- Auquhirie Land Company
- Aura Power
- Aura Power
- Aura Power
- Aurora Energy
- Ausenco Chile
- Australasia
- Australasia
- Australia
- Australian Government
- Australian Pacific Coal
- Australian Paper
- Australian Pipeline Trust
- Austria
- AustriaEnergy
- Avalon Advanced Materials
- Avangrid
- AvenHexicon
- Avingrid Renewables
- Aviva
- AWE Renewables
- Awel Aman Tawe Community Energy
- Ayana Renewable Power
- Ayre Energy
- Azerbaijan
- Azerbaijan Investment Company (AIC)
- Azerenerji
- Azule Energy
- Azure Sustainable Fuels